Thursday, July 3, 2008

The world is not enough

This one is going to be as random as expected. The meandering flow of thoughts that abounds my head is going to flood out while I keep a watch on the receding sanity level.

The other day I sat watching "Commanding Heights". It's an exceptional documentary on the way modern economies have evolved. It looks at how the world is getting more and more connected and dependent; how new patterns of globalization and trade are emerging out of old ones and how we all stand with one hand in each others pockets; how capital can move beyond political barriers within seconds affecting fortunes of millions.

The documentary talked about marxism, communism, inflation and stagnation and how the current series of global crises have come about. Though socialism is slow poison, even capitalism is not the answer, economic disparity skews the condition of populace of a country. Most of the money goes to the rich and even though the world talks about the trickle down effect, it is more of a synonym for exploitation of the poor.

The failure of Doha talks came as no surprise. Lately, the productivity in US has gone down and it is with debt that the US has been financing its luxuries. With US elections iminent, it was impossible for the US to cut farm subsidies and the developing world wasn't going to open up in a unilateral manner. Along with the weakness of the Dollar with rise of the Euro, the US has lost its touch and it is likely that it will have to face tough times ahead unless its productivity goes up.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Exceptional Commoner

Hello friend,

I don't know how it will turn out in the end but let me begin this. First, I'll describe myself and my place on this planet. I am one of the quaint creatures who have the fear of categorization. I don't know the reason but ever since I was young, I always wanted to be special, to be different.

It turned out that I did become different enough to be labelled eccentric, wierd, genious, or any of the differentiated variety. I have been successful in my mission for life till now and plan to 'progress' on the lines.

What have I done in life to merit such distinctions? I have been just plain stupid and barged into places where angels fear to tread. Been there, done that, just because I fancied so, or because someone said it was stupid. Guess what did I pay for having the wildest ride of my life? Fear of failure.

Yes, I lost it. I lost all fear of making it to the bottom of the ladder. In fact, I am now pretty happy holding it steady so that others can climb it. Because there is no end when you climb but if you look at it a little differently, the bottom is the top.

I hope you're getting a flavour of the difference. :) Life is full of ironies and it is in these ironies that I find my humour. Success and failure are colours that flip sides. It is to these beats that I dance and the song in my heart in tune with the irrationality that keeps me free.