Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Exceptional Commoner

Hello friend,

I don't know how it will turn out in the end but let me begin this. First, I'll describe myself and my place on this planet. I am one of the quaint creatures who have the fear of categorization. I don't know the reason but ever since I was young, I always wanted to be special, to be different.

It turned out that I did become different enough to be labelled eccentric, wierd, genious, or any of the differentiated variety. I have been successful in my mission for life till now and plan to 'progress' on the lines.

What have I done in life to merit such distinctions? I have been just plain stupid and barged into places where angels fear to tread. Been there, done that, just because I fancied so, or because someone said it was stupid. Guess what did I pay for having the wildest ride of my life? Fear of failure.

Yes, I lost it. I lost all fear of making it to the bottom of the ladder. In fact, I am now pretty happy holding it steady so that others can climb it. Because there is no end when you climb but if you look at it a little differently, the bottom is the top.

I hope you're getting a flavour of the difference. :) Life is full of ironies and it is in these ironies that I find my humour. Success and failure are colours that flip sides. It is to these beats that I dance and the song in my heart in tune with the irrationality that keeps me free.


Bornloser said...

dude ... thats a great start.. keep blogging.... i will add u to the ISB blog roll too

Aj said...

Waaw !
What an exceptional start for a new blogger!

welcome Mr Bhandari! -
the Fail-o-Phobia-Blaster,

You have really achieved something that people spend their lives trying for(Overcoming -The Fear of failure-as you label it)

Hope you now keep up to your reputation in the blogosphere too!

Anonymous said...

Great Mr. Bhandari !

Deepti Ravi said...

Nice post!! :) :) :) Keep writing!! Will keep reading :)